Town Green
Project Information
The City of Douglasville has been working diligently over the past several years to plan and develop a downtown area that will become the cultural, civic and entertainment center of Douglas County. As part of that effort, the City has acquired and demolished the former Douglas County Jail, creating an approximate 10-acre development site located within walking distance to the Douglasville Conference Center. The City’s intent is to develop a City park and outdoor performance venue on the northeast corner of that property to be known as “Town Green”, and to offer the balance of the site for commercial and residential development to appeal to a growing demographic of millennials and empty nesters who value mixed-use environments in walkable downtown settings.
The Douglas County Economic Development Authority, on behalf of the City of Douglasville, is seeking proposals from qualified firms that have the experience and capability to develop residential and/or commercial buildings in a manner consistent with the City’s general objectives for this key Downtown site.
Interested firms can access the RFP and relevant information below.
Real Estate Offerings and Request for Proposals - Town Green
Relevant Information
Douglasville Comprehensive Plan Update 2018
Douglasville, Douglas County SR 92 Relocation & Widening Layout
Douglasville Downtown Master Plan and 10-Year Strategic Plan
Douglasville Redevelopment Plan and Tax Allocation District
Survey : LL 16 1st Dist 5th Sect Old Jail After Demo 7 30 2020
Recently Approved Multifamily Developments